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Board, mission & personal data


The board of Film i Skåne:

  • Anna Nordström Carlsson, President
  • Carin Daal, member
  • Hannes Holm, member
  • Katarina Liljenberg, member

Our mission

"The company shall, in collaboration with relevant actors and businesses, promote film cultural and film educational activities in Skåne, participate in co-production of films and TV series and attract film and TV series production to Skåne. This shall be done through consultative activities, co-production of film cultural events, film commission work, film studio operation, as well as investment in film production carried out in Scania or produced by Scanian production companies.

In doing so, the company must nurture the brand "Skåne" so that the overall goal of strengthening the image of Skåne is achieved.

The company must operate and strive for sustainable development within the three different dimensions; social sustainability, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability.

The purpose of the Company is not to prepare its owners profit." (from Owner's Directive from parent company Region Skåne Holding AB)


Film in Skåne must, according to the ownership directive, strive for sustainable development within three different dimensions; social sustainability, environmental sustainability and economic sustainability.

This involves everything from the funding required to achieve the goals in the business, the possibilities to earn a living as a film worker, the film's contribution to a good and attractive living environment, to how we travel, what materials we use and how we sort garbage.

Sustainable film - background

Film and TV production have special challenges when it comes to green sustainability: they are temporary projects with temporary constellations of different actors and suppliers who, for a limited time, in different locations, must carry out a film production and where the goal; the finished film, means everything, and the way there almost nothing. The combination of these factors leads rather to temporary ad-hoc solutions than environmentally conscious choices.

Page updated 15 Jan 2024, at 15:23